Sunday, 24 January 2016

Unit 30: Advertising Production for TV (Working Log)

Monday 21st December 2015

Today me and the team which consists of; Matthew Taylor, Chloe Handley and Jordan Reed met on location (my house) at 11:30 to begin filming for our Christmas Advert. We hoped to get all of our filming done in one day as we were only using one location. We started by introduction our child actor, Georgie to the team so that he wasn't intimidated by their presence. Georgie did really well all day, he was very good considering it he had never featured in anything like this before, he was far from camera shy and very confident. We gave him regular breaks at least every 20 minutes to fit with guide lines set for child actors in the industry. Filming went well in general, it was a long day but we got all of the shots that we needed. Our idea was to create one big advert and separate it into 4 30 second parts. The idea being that on telly one part would run in each ad break of an hour long program that would have 4 ad breaks. the plan was to direct a part each, however some of the team put in a lot more work than other members when it came to directing and operating the camera. Despite this we did get everything done.

Tuesday 19th January 2016

Today we showed our advert to a focus group asking them for feedback and there general thoughts on the advert. The common thing people said to improve up on was the idea that the little boy wouldn't be left on his home alone, like implied in the advert. So we decided that we are going to get a shot of the little boys nana asleep in a chair, implying that he hasn't been left on his own by his mother, his carer has just fallen asleep.

Thursday 21st January 2016

Today I finished the final edit for my version of the 4 adverts, I'm pretty happy with how they look, admittedly I didn't add the extra shot of the little boys Nana as I thought it was important that the little boy conveyed independence, as in the story the roles are reversed as the little boy is buying Christmas presents for his mother instead of it being the other way around

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