Work Experience and Digital Video Working Log

So far over my two years on the Film & TV course at Stockton Riverside College i have been lucky enough to get involved in lots of work experience projects, projects that have helped me develop my skills not only as a filmmaker but also as someone who has to meet deadlines and work as part of a successful team.

Little Sprouts
Little sprouts are an organisation who aim to improve peoples lives through cooking, with their mobile kitchen they have cooking and food education projects that are designed to inspire everyone to make better food choices through practical, innovative and fun cooking workshops aimed at all ages and abilities. They also help people who don't have a lot, those who live in hostel due to various circumstances. We were tasked by Debbie Fixter, the woman who owns the organisation, with creating a short promotional video for Little Sprouts. The video served as a bid to the lottery for more funding for their services.

Filming was on the 22nd of September and we were there between 10am - 2pm meaning that I competed 4 hours of work experience. The location was Harrington road, opposite the hostel. We filmed the cooking therapy session and got interviews splitting up into two teams to do this. We filmed the members of the hostel taking part in the cooking classes and also interviews them on their thoughts and feelings toward the classes, as well as interviewing members of the Little Sprouts team.

I worked as camera operator and also completed paper work such as getting legal documents like artists release forms signed by members of the group. I was part of the team that filmed the cooking session and helped by getting shots of the session, we got some pretty good shots but it was difficult at times as due to the large windows the lighting would frequently change.

Health and safety considerations were important, we had to identify emergency exits and were the fire extinguishers were located, as fire is also a risk when working with cooking equipment. As well as this we had to keep a safe eye on the equipment as we were filming in what was considered a rough area of Stockton.

River Tees Rediscovered

As a team we were set a brief by the people from River Tees Rediscovered to create a promotional video about the various activities that take place along the River Tees, the aim of this video is to get more people involved with these activities and spread awareness. Originally our contact was a woman named Jenny but she has since left and now the person over seeing the Project is Christine Corbett 07918 683792.

We started on the 28th of September when we first received the brief, on this day we had a team meeting discussing initial ideas and thoughts for the project, we started on paper work and all contributed to a team mind map to get the idea's flowing. We spent about 3 hours of work experience  doing this. This meeting was completed in college between our hours of 1pm - 4pm. During this time we also scheduled a meeting with Jenny.

On the 5th of October we had another team meeting for another 3 hours in the college, this time discussing the project in more detail, beginning research and finding out about locations trying to get round issues such as how we would get there.

On the 6th of October we met with Jenny to discuss the project further, we wanted to understand the formatting of the video better including things like hot the fonts should look and how the video file should be saved. She also told us which projects we could and couldn't film. This meeting lasted 30 minutes. The following week on the 12th we began to contact the people in charge of the places we would be filming in order to organise shooting days. We also created storyboards and shot lists. This work day lasted again 3 hours from 1pm - 4pm.

On the 15th of October I was camera operator and director of our first shoot which me and Jordan attended. We shot a guided walk that started from Ingleby Golf Club in Ingleby Barwick. I had to get footage of the people on guided walk taking part in it, I tried to get some nice scenic shots in the forest but sometimes keeping up with the walkers whilst filming was hard. I would often run ahead in order to get shots from in-front of them. Filming for this went well and lasted around 2 hours, the weather was an issue and rain meant we had to pack up early but it was okay because we had all the shots we needed. Filming started on this day at 10am and the walk finished around 12. 

On the 22nd of October I found myself filming another River Tees Rediscovered project, this time I was at the Water Pumping Station in Darlington. A team of Me, Chloe Handley and Matty Dickens all went along to film there, we got lots of footage and I acted as director but also operated the camera for some scenes. We spent a long time at the station and started at 11am and finished at about 3pm giving us another 4 hours of work experience. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of myself on site, but i do have some I did take of Matty whilst I was directing him.

As well as filming and completing paper work for this project i also edited a section of the video, I spent around 2 hours editing the guided walks section of the video.

Sleeping Beauty
On Wednesday the 7th of December I completed another 3 hours of work experience by filming the colleges acting students annual pantomime. Myself, Jess, Amy and Joe worked as a team to film the performance using a two camera set up. Having one camera set up for a master shot and one closer to the stage to cut away to. Me and Joe operated the Camera closer to the stage, when the lighting changed the auto focus on the camera messed up. To counteract this I had the camera on manual and was constantly prepared to change the focus when the stage lighting changed. We are asked to film this show by Sonya whom is the tutor on the acting course. We will start to edit the show soon and distribute it.

Road to Rome

On the 20th of September we got the opportunity to make a real music video for a real band! Local band Cherry Head Cherry Heart asked us to make them a cheesy upbeat music video for their latest single 'Road to Rome.' The idea was that the two members of the band would be cycling in front of a green screen through Rome. Some of the class shot the video and I Edited it. In all I made three edits, a first draft, a final draft and a version of the video that was entirely black and white. After I sent Andy the first draft he came back to me with notes and sat in with me as I edited the final draft. In all I spent about 5 hours of work experience time editing the videos and I'm really pleased how they turned out. The band loved it. 


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