Monday, 17 October 2016

Unit 27: Location Research

I have met with the subject and main contributor of the documentary (my stepbrother Connor) and have begun to discuss potential locations where we can shoot the fishing part of the documentary. As he is the subject expert I thought it would be best to go to a lake that he is familiarly with and comfortable fishing at, this will ensure that we have the best chance of catching something on the day. So far he has given me 3 potential locations but has said that we may not be able to film at some of them as the lakes are exclusive to members only, despite this I will have to acquire permission at where ever we chose to film for legal reasons. I will now look into the locations conduct some research and meet with Connor again so we can review the research and decide where it is best to go.


Welham Lake

The first lake on Connors shortlist is Welham Lake which is the flagship lake for the GH tackle and stands out to me as it is particularly pretty. The lake is said to be stocked heavily and the present carp way around 26lbs, as well as carp the lake hosts other fish, rare eels and is surrounded by a multitude of wildlife from badgers to foxes. The lake is a members only lake but I think that I may be able to get permission to film there as on their website it mentions that fishing shows have been filmed their before and it is also visited by sky sports as part of their tackle coverage. Something I was worried about was how the documentary would look visually if the lake was busy and surrounded by people however this wont be an issue at this lake as it has 10 bookable pegs which are spaced out enough so that you cannot see any other anglers.

The lake spans over 5.5 acres and is ranked as one of the best ticket lakes in the country.

The lake is located in North Yorkshire just off of the A19 near the Malton and Norton area and is around an 1 hour and 20 minutes away from base by car.

Address: Welham Lake, Malton and Norton Golf Club, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 9QE

Telephone Number: 07817 175516

Research sourced from website:


Raker Lakes

Another area that Connor mentioned was the group of lakes known as the Raker Lakes which is a 28 acre area which contains 5 main lakes know as Acorn, Heron, Highbank, Horseshoe and Kingfisher lake. This gives us a wide variety of areas to choose from if we use this as our location however the website is a lot more vague and doesn't contain as much information about the fish found in the lakes therefor it may not yield as much catch as the Welham Lake.

Address: Greengales Lane, Wheldrake, York YO19 6BW. 01904 448793

Telephone Number: 01904 448793

Rising Sun Lake
The Rising sun fishery has been established since 1999. The main lake is the specimen lake, with mirror carp to 36lb 7oz; there are over 20, 20lb carp in the lake as well as 350 other carp from 6lb to 19lb. This was originally set up as a mixed fishery, but now has a good name for quality carp and silver fishing in summer, with perch fishing becoming very popular in the winter months. It is much smaller than the other two lakes and not as popular, the website is small and doesn't have a lot of information about the lake which makes me sceptical.

Rising sun lake is closer than Welham and Raker but is much smaller and doesn't look like the best choice.
Address: YO61 1TY Adlwark Alne, York
Contact: 01347 838134 or 07971 877280


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