Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Class Task- Six Word Stories

An exercise we do on Tuesdays during our script writing lesson is writing these ''Six word stories.'' The idea is to convey a coherent a story in just six words, the exercise helps to get creativity flowing and improve our writing skills.

Happiness is: A beautiful sunset gazed upon together.

Childhood memories: A joyful road trip through Europe.

When I grow up: I want to be very successful.

The best thing about this week will be: Something that will make me happy.

Romantic Gesture: A beautiful dream finally come true.

Future Epitaph: A great man, a great lover.

The Uninvited Guest: Sorry your not on the list.

The Reason You Write: I do it for the vine.

Some Really Bad Advice: You should just go for it!

The future world will be: bleak and unforgiving a bad time.

The past was: Things were much cheaper back then.

A message from someone you have not seen in years: I still miss you, please reply.

They can take my life, but they can never take my: away everything I have believed in.

Being a writer is: Having detailed and creative thought process.

The World Today is: unnecessary terror dividing peace and justice.

The thought of this assignment makes me: I feel out of my depth

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